About Us
Who We Are
We are a small family business, nestled in the beautiful Freestone Valley on the Darling Downs in Queensland, Australia. We believe in ethical farming, and animals having a meaningful existence. Our Free ranged hens spend their days roaming and frolicking on our beautiful farm. Fed the best Organic feed available, hens are happy and healthy birds.
Where it began..
The passion for poultry all started with Mark. A young man growing up on a lucerne and cattle farm in Inglewood, QLD . His dad always had Leghorns and Pit games, heritage birds. Mark showed poultry alongside his father, and even ventured into Judging. He always wanted a ‘chookery’ (as he called it when he was a young boy), and finally as an adult, Freestone Valley Farms eventuated and he could finally fulfill his dream to farm poultry.
How We Farm…
Custom built movable homes, house the ladies and give them the ability to lay and perch in comfort. They are moved regularly throughout the paddocks to give them access to fresh pastures. Our farm is certified organic which means that we use no chemicals, gmo’s or pesticides and hens are grown on farm from day old. The hens are fed the best organic feed available .
We have the desire to produce the best quality eggs on the market.
We’re going back to the way nature intended. Organic, Pasture raised and Free ranged. Taste the difference!
Mark, Rebecca and William Kinsella
About our birds
Custom built move-able homes house our ladies and give them ability to lay and perch in comfort.
We move them around our paddocks regularly so they have access to fresh pasture.
Just like we like to eat the best healthiest food, so do our birds. So we provide them with quality, organic grains available.